Carnegie Mellon University

Dr. John Alison's Lab 

Dr. John Alison

Dr. John Alison, who joined the CMU Physics Department faculty in 2018, is focused on Nuclear and Particle Physics and is a part of the High Energy Physics Experiment. At present, Dr. Alison is working on a project to upgrade the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Learn more about Dr. Alison's detectors that are being manufactured in his lab for the CMS by watching the video below! 

Stuart Johnson

Stuart Johnson, a Carnegie Mellon University undergraduate student (MCS, Physics, '22) talks with us about his experiences growing up and how it brought him to Dr. John Alison's lab. Learn more about the amazing work that Stuart is a part of and how it relates to a much bigger project!

Dr. John Alison’s 360° Lab Tour